• Call : 267-685-0216

News and Announcements

    We are pleased to welcome our children back to Trinity Christian Academy this Fall 2020! This has been quite the year, but our community is lucky to have so many civic minded families that have kept this area a relative safe zone through their sacrifices and social practices. Yet this pandemic is not going away as quickly as we had hoped as we were all looking forward to a normal Fall and start of the school year. But we at TCA hear the needs of our local families and the feel the draw to get back to some sense of normalcy in our lives. We that in mind, we are opening our doors cautiously but enthusiastically to keep our children learning and their full development growing. We know the traditional school experience as we had known before the pandemic will be different this fall, but with the cooperation of our staff, parents, and children (i.e. daily temp. and symptom screenings, mask wearing, hand washing, increased cleanings) we will be able to get through this time safely while still learning and having fun! We are here for you and look forward to partnering with you for the good of all our children.

Please complete the emailed survey for Reopening Questions

Continue to check your emails for resources and learning materials sent by the teachers

When we Return- There will be new policies and procedures- Please stay tuned for that IMPORTANT INFORMATION

IF you or your family are in need of anything at this time please email the center, we are here to HELP!

Send in your work!!! Please share what you are doing at home! Email the center and we can post it!

Remember- WE miss you ALL- Stay Safe and we will see you soon!!

Our Calendars