It’s an attitude
We are one of the preschool classrooms at Trinity Christian Academy called The Incredibles. There are 10 incredible children in my classroom consisting of ages 3-5. We have a daily schedule of activities which include: Breakfast, circle time, center time, outdoor time, lunch time, nap and snack time. We have monthly themes and weekly lesson plans. The lesson plans have goals and objectives we hope to accomplish weekly. We follow the guidelines of the Creative Curriculum which is learning through play and the PA learning standards. An example of learning through play would be: Its fall time, the kids are learning about apples, in the Math center there will be a few apples for adding and subtracting and in the Science center there will be sequence cards that shows the life cycle of an apple. We have 10 centers in the classroom which include: Writing, Blocks, Dramatic Play, Math, Science, Library, Music, Art, Painting and Manipulatives. According to researchers the first few years of a child’s life is very important for brain development so learning through play provides a very positive environment of exposure for your child to develop age appropriately.
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